Animated character, water tiles and trees

Hello guys!

This is a major update in which I include several animations to the pack. There are animated water tile, trees and a new character.

➥ For the animated water tiles they are provided in spritesheets with 2 styles, flat and detailed.

➥ Both existing trees got an animations as well. Trees color got a subtle change as well in order to stand out better from the ground. I thought about adding 'particles' for leaves but I think this is better done in your game engine. Let me know what you think in the comments.

➥ A new character is also included. I previously said I'd do 2 attacks, but I've changed my mind and added 1 combo attack with 3 sword swings. Swing 1 and 3 are also provided as single attacks, so in fact there is one extra attack than foreseen in the Roadmap. Please, bear in mind that this asset is mainly focused in the environment, therefore characters are not a priority in the list of my TODO list but I'll do my best.

❤️ Thanks for your support! Let me know in the comments your suggestions and feedbacks! ❤️


EPIC RPG World Pack - Grass Land V. 1.0.rar 1 MB
Jun 22, 2021
EPIC RPG World Pack - Grass Land V. 1.1.rar 1.6 MB
Jun 22, 2021

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