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(3 edits)

This pack is really awesome! However, the golem only has a left/right direction. If you can add up and down directions, it would be much appreciated! 

Thanks! All my characters are like that. Up and down directions are still being considered, but it would be released in the character pack


Looking forward for the character pack~

I am using your assets for creating this

Super cool! 😍 Keep it up mate!

Can you give some guidance on how to implement AutoMapping using Godot?

(1 edit)

You mean Automapping  from Tiled? This is a feature from Tiled. If you're going to use Tiled to create your maps, you have to create it there and then export the map to Godot. If you mean the Godot's auto-tile feature then I don't know, I don't use Godot.

Hi, can you include transition land-water, but without water? It will be useful to render  one tile high hills, your current tileset supports 2+ tiles high height transitions

Sure! I'll do it (and some other requests) once I finish the updates for the Old Prison asset ^^

Does the water and grass of this pack connect to the water and grass of "Grass land" ?

Hello! If you mean the  grass-to-water platform then no. Btw, Grass Land will get a rework soon, but all packs are still different locations with unique atmosphere and tile connections. As for aesthetics, you could reuse some elements from other packs, you just need to do a proper color scheme adjustment.

I would love to see a castle and city, more houses/village stuff, and snow variants.

Hello! The village asset will have taverns, houses, shops, npcs... 
Snow variants is something I'm considering for sure, but only after finishing the current asset list

Hi! I am creating a game and using the amazing plant/tree artwork from this asset pack (

I am adding an "acknowledgements" section to my game's website ( and want to credit you there, how would you like me to do that? I was planning to link directly to this page, but can do something else (ie include your name) if you prefer!

Your game is looking super nice! Congratulations!
You could link to my twitter (@RafaRPM_) or to my itch page ( and use my name, Rafael M.
Thank you very much for giving me the credit :)

Thanks!! The art from this asset pack really ties it together.

^^ let me know if you want me to make any changes whatsoever to that page!


Yeah It really fits pretty well with the aesthetic of the whole game.
All good about the credit. Thanks again ^^

Duuuuuude, you are the best🥇

Thanks mate! It's my supporters who are the best!❤️😂

Can be use on Unreal engine 5 ?

Hello! It's not set up specifically to any game engine but yes, you can use it with any game engine out there. It's all about spritesheets/pngs. I'm planing to make it ready to use for Unity and Godot but I don't have a data to give you right now

This is a really pretty tileset 💚 Nice work!

Thanks mate! Your assets are amazing btw ❤️Someone could easily make an entire game with your Mana Seed assets


Thank you very much! ❤️🙏🏽

Gracias chinchulin por el tilseset, :)

Your're welcomed / de nada :)

(1 edit)

Hi, love this and it looks absolutely beautiful! I bought it and can't find the trees, where are they located?

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you mate! You can find them in the props folder(file name = Atlas- props). I often use trees as props but don't worry, they are aligned and can be used as tile.

haha how did I miss this!

thank you!!!!


You're welcome :)

Wow, this is absolutely wonderful!

Thank you buddy! 🤗

Hi Rafa! I really like your work. and this map is worth it to purchase.

I've sent you an email. 

Thanks mate! I will answer you there.

Is there a "Full Bundle" yet for all your packs? Or do I just have to get your one Bundle + the Ancient Ruins seperate?



Hey mate! Thanks for your support! There isn't yet. I'm planning to create a second bundle (ancient ruins, Sewers and Prison). Sewers will be released soon, it got delayed due to other jobs I had but I'll now be focused on my store for several months. The reason for this is because I think this way the series is more organized and It's more accessible to people I think. Let me know what you think ^^

Ciao! I really like these assets! I want to buy the full bundle, I'm trying to make a 2D-HD little game and this amazing graphics could be perfect for me. Do the characters have 8-way motion animation? If not, have you considered adding this type of movement? 

Thanks a lot!

Thanks mate! This is not feasible, they are too detailed to animate so many directions. Perhaps front and back view, but would be in a character's pack, which I'm considering doing after the main roadmap for this series is done.

Great, can't wait to see the character pack! if you wanted to try to get an 8-way movement, you already have the front and back position and also the side position, you just need the 3/4 positions and you would only need to do them on one side and the game designers would just have to mirror them from the game engine. This is a very common practice in sprites :)


That's the opposite actually, my characters are in the 3/4 position and I would have to draw for the full front and back positions. I know about the mirroring technique the problem is not that. The problem is to draw such a detailed character for so many directions. The amount of work/days is substancial, and I'd have to charge too much because of that amount of time I'd spent on this. I think people would benefit more on having more tiles and props to build their games. But yeah, front and back view might be in the characters pack that I'm considering doing ^^

Deleted 1 year ago

Hello! I've never claimed to have other animations besides Idle. It's just an NPC for random encounters around the map.

Damn, I love ur art bro, glad that I can practice my game dev with your art. Do you have a plan to create a character pack bro?

Thanks mate! Yep, I'm considering creating a character pack(playable and enemies) but only after the main roadmap list for this series is done.

Hi, your work it's amazing, i look forward to work on it 


Thanks mate! Feel free to share your project with us here or on our recently created Discord server!

Yes, i join it and ask for help

thank you in advance


Hello bro how can I talk to you on discord, the link is invalid above

Ícone "Verificada pela comunidade"

Hello! Thanks for the warning. I updated all the Discord links. (

Really love this package (all your stuff is great!) and looking forward to future installments. I'm a big fan of the Merchant character. Any chance that you might do a female version of the Merchant?

Thanks mate! The merchant is actually a female haha XD I just didn't want to sexualize her 

Fantastic! I appreciate the thoughtfulness! Really looking forward to more environments and more characters. (I'm in the beginning stages of writing a game and am building it around your packages -- I'm a big fan.)

Thanks buddy! I appreciate all your support. The next pack is almost ready for release :)


Looking forward to it!

I am planning to buy your wonderful project. Is the completed MAP created like the picture above included in the project? Or is it just the tileset?

Hello! Every scene you see here is a mock up created using the tiles and props provided in the file. This scenes are also provided as png and gif files in case someone wants to use it as a reference. 

Hello, it has been impossible for me to communicate on @Twitter since I block your messages, could you give me an email address to communicate with you? Thanks.Hola se

Hello buddy! My DM is always open there. Anyways, I was just about to create an email and a Discord server so I just did. 

(2 edits)

hello. I am making a game with lovely map tiles. 

However, the tile with water is not visible. 

Tileset-Animated Terrains-16 frames.png
Tileset-Animated Terrains-8 frames.png
Tileset-Animated Terrains2-16 frames-with transparency.png
Tileset-Animated Terrains2-16 frames.png

There seems to be a file there, but it is not included in the file I downloaded.
(EPIC RPG World Pack - Ancient Ruins V 1.6.1)

How can I get it?

Hello. I'm so sorry.  I just updated the file with all the missing files. Thank you very much for letting me know.

thank you!!

Hi! I just wanted to say I love this colour and style you are using, very insperational to me and to what I aspire to create something similair with, aswell as use some templete here when  I buy it, since I love this kind of style aswell as the old "buddist monk temple/mountain top" style, might be something in the future creation?
Gl and Hf creating. Are you not using this for your own game or are you  a asset creator?

(1 edit)

Thanks buddy! I'll add it to my list. Right now I have listed as extra packs (beyond the roadmap for the series) a desert and lava-like map. They will take a while to be done though because I'll start a completely new series with a different art style after finishing the Epic RPG World Series main roadmap. So I'm not sure If I'll start the extra packs after this new series or before. Let's see. Also, could you be more specific about this pack you would want to see? Any reference would help.


Bascily something in pixel art style like this. Now this is a side veiw which is different from the top-down im going for but you seem to really hit the nail with intergrating the looks of the ancient desert "3d" style-ish in 2d and effects which I love. 
With colour and effect style when needed (shrines, altars, or sacred tree) similair  style added as you have used on ancient desert. Personaly I would add some grit or darken / brushed effect to it to make it look older or higher up in the surface air level.


It seems very difficult to adapt to a top-down asset, but I will try my best. It's on my list now.

I've always wanted something like this as well 

basically the ancient chinese/japanese style top down pixel art

Can't wait to do this asset =P. It's in the Asset Roadmap.

(1 edit)

Hey! This looks amazing! Do the tiles you provide support autotiling? Such as blob/wang? From the images I think it should but I'd like to make sure.  It does! Didn't check the description, that's on me.

Hello! It does. Let me know if you need any help on that.

Thanks for making so many great packs.  Now that this pack is done, just wondering if you had any idea as to the timeline for the next pack?

Hello, buddy! The next pack 'Sewers' will be out in a few days. I'm planning 2 more weeks, maybe less.

Thanks! Looking forward to it!

Hi, do you take commissions? I am really into your drawing, especially the effects!

Hello! Thanks! I'm not taking commissions at the moment but tell me what you need, I might add it to my list for this pack.

I love your effects, can you do more, pleaseeee. For example, fireeeeeeee

or or or or thunder? that would be dope af

I'll add it to my list then, might take a while though ^^

u r awesome!


Hi just a quick question, can I use the tiles sets as a set up to design 3d versions of them for my game?

Hello. Yes, you can.

Thank you for this pack! This was a great purchase and your assets are great as a reference/placeholder. If you are still taking suggestions I would love if you added "destruction props" such as fallen trees, cut shrubs and tree stumps. 

Thanks. I'll try but it may take a while because the pack is quite big already and I'll start to work on the next pack of this series after realasing the upcoming updates, which is another character and props.

(1 edit)

hey man, I am new to pixel art and game dev. Could you help me with some advice on which engine or Stencyl/GameMaker to use to make my indie game? 
Any resources which helped you to become so good at this.

Btw can we expect characters, houses, dungeons, and interior props in future updates or different add on packs?

Your work is fantastic and a steal for what I paid


Hello! Thanks for your support. Regarding game engine, in my opinion, there are several good options. You just need to choose what game engine suits your needs better. Most of them have pros and cons, but usually, if you don't want to do a deep research about it, just choose between Unity, Gamemaker, Godot or even Construct3 if you are not a programmer (this last one have no export option to consoles). In terms of pixel art, It is just practice, persistence and a lot of art references.  I use Aseprite, a cheap and powerful software for pixel art. 

Everything I'm planing for this pack is in the Roadmap list in this page. My next update will have characters. This series have 1 dungeon so far but It'll have more in the upcoming packs. You can also check it in the Roadmap for this "Epic RPG World" series in this page.

You can always make specific requests. If It's doable, then I'll add it to my list. However, I can't promise anything because of the relation between time spent/income. What I can promise is that I'll do my best, as I always do.

thanks for the reply, I hope to see more amazing work from you.
I became enthralled to start as a pixel art game dev by this page alone. I hope my motivation falls through and I can post a demo here in few months. <3


Thanks mate! Can't wait to see your stuff XD Good luck!

Stunning and inspiring ! Thank you so much mister RafaelMatos !

Thanks for all your support buddy!

Excellent! I bought without hesitation. The quality is amazing!

Hey,  buddy! I'm glad you like my work. Thanks for your support ^^

Nice props! Look really great!

Thanks mate!

Have you ever considered making a all map series monster pack with new characters and new monsters and new bosses?I want some monster models

I bought all the map resources and want more monsters and map bosses

Hello. Thank you for your support!
Yes, I'm considering it. But this character pack would be released after the 'Epic RPG World' series is done.

Hi! Allow me a question: You can use these in every engine (rpgmaker, gamemaker, unity, etc) or it's limited to just one?

Hello! This asset can be used everywhere. Any game engine supports image files.

Now this is an amazing update! The animated blood looks soo sick, I'm in love with the blood waterfall, but honestly the whole pack looks great. Definitely one of the best I've seen. 10/10

Thanks mate! It was a nice suggestion. I'm glad you've enjoyed it!


Wonderful assets as always. I’m a fan of your work. The art style gives me the nostalgic feeling of discovering RPG game for the first time as little kid. Thank you for sharing with us your talents.


Thank you for the kind words my friend! I'm glad my art gives you those nostalgic feelings :) and thank you so much for supporting my work. It means a lot to me.

I’m sorry to ask this but will it be possible to add zip file for the future? I’m using iPad to write the game template and the app to upzip .rar is very hard to navigate through. So sorry.

No problem. I just added the zip file for you.

Hey! can we have another hero? I'll buy a full pack of heroes with different classes, sexes, races... I love the design of your warrior and your baddies too!

Hey buddy! Thanks for the interest! Actually, I was thinking about doing that after finishing this series since the begining, like an extra pack with more characters, but they take a long time to design/animate so I'm still considering it! Let's see! XD

that will be so great! I'll try to customize you warrior if I can and share it if you're ok with that of course.

You can edit the way you want. What do you mean by sharing it?

Sharing here, on itcho.

No problem buddy! If It's under the license stated in this page then no problem. ^^

Really great! One of your best!

Hey buddy! Thanks for all your support! 

Awesome pack one of the best ever released on itch and well worth the wait!. 

Thanks for all your support Rafa! :)

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