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Love those assets. I used them in my first game that I released.

Game link:

Thanks! Congrats mate!

(1 edit)

Hey there thank you for these wonderful asset's I will add them to my commercial project and once its out you can find yourself in the Credits section!

Also can you share a ref of planets icons with their names? That would be amazing!! Thank You!!

Project link:

Genial que esto siga aquí. Quiero empezar un juego multiplataforma y justo estos sprites con el contorno bien marcado son justo lo que necesitaba. Muchas gracias jefe

I'm glad you liked it ^^

(2 edits)

I used the space-ship and coin sprites for my Google Play game.

Thank you!

I'm glad this asset was helpful for you buddy. I plan to release more free stuff but It'll take a while. 
I wish you success with your games, It's a long ride but a nice one!

I love the cute sprites! Thank you :)

Thanks mate! I'm glad you like it :)

These planets are really cute can I use the for something other than a game? Like probably as avatar, in a video or in some other type of application perhaps.

I'm glad you liked it. You are free to use anywhere and for any purpose, you just cannot resell the asset itself, modified or not.