Hello! How are you? Excuse the question, but do you intend to bring the pack one characters later this year? I admit to looking forward to it, I intend to add it to my projects, because honestly, I love your art. Thank you for your attention!
Hello mate! I'm doing good ^^ Thank you. The roadmap of packs are in chronological order so It's impossible for me to get this far this year. I'm sorry buddy. I'm trying my best to finish all packs faster but I'm stubborn and I always end up doing huge packs which takes too much time to finish :P
Hey Rafael, I just wanted to let you know that we developed an online RPG with a small team with Excalibur JS and decided to give it a go with all your assets! We will show you our progress in early September.
Keep it up, what you're building is great, and we look forward to seeing more resources, especially monsters and characters!
Is it possible for the grass to be edited out of the transparency sheet for rock, dirt, and sand? That would make it look a lot better for transitioning from sand to dirt for instance!
Thank you for your quick reply!! I love the new additions and will definitely be using them in my project
This is what I mean when I ask about the grass on the sand. For this image I am using the transparency sheet for sand and putting it on top of the dirt. But because it has grass in it, it looks a little bit strange. Is it possible to have a variation of this without the grass?
This is the sand to grass tileset but with the grass removed(transparency), as you can see the grass shapes. So this tileset you're using is not meant to be used for this, there are other tilesets with transparency that transition to dirt, sand... In this last update I added neutral grass to transparency tileset so you can use it to make transitions to any dirt or sand. Did you see it there? If you are tying to find tileset that transition from sand to any tile then you can't because there isn't XD. The sand in this asset was meant to be used beneath the grass and not go further from the beach(possibly meeting dirt or any other terrain variation). However, I can add this tileset in the next update.
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Hello! How are you? Excuse the question, but do you intend to bring the pack one characters later this year? I admit to looking forward to it, I intend to add it to my projects, because honestly, I love your art. Thank you for your attention!
Hello mate! I'm doing good ^^ Thank you. The roadmap of packs are in chronological order so It's impossible for me to get this far this year. I'm sorry buddy. I'm trying my best to finish all packs faster but I'm stubborn and I always end up doing huge packs which takes too much time to finish :P
Oh, all right! I will eagerly await your packages :D Thank you for your response and attention!
No problem mate ^^
Love it!
Thanks! ^^
Hey Rafael, I just wanted to let you know that we developed an online RPG with a small team with Excalibur JS and decided to give it a go with all your assets! We will show you our progress in early September.
Keep it up, what you're building is great, and we look forward to seeing more resources, especially monsters and characters!
Thanks buddy! That's great! You can share with us here or on Discord! GL ^^
Great set, beautiful art.
Is it possible for the grass to be edited out of the transparency sheet for rock, dirt, and sand? That would make it look a lot better for transitioning from sand to dirt for instance!
Thanks for your great looking sets mate
Thank you! My bad! I'm gonna update it along with the new stuff coming out in a few hours ^^ Let me know if something is missing after that
Thank you for your quick reply!! I love the new additions and will definitely be using them in my project
This is what I mean when I ask about the grass on the sand. For this image I am using the transparency sheet for sand and putting it on top of the dirt. But because it has grass in it, it looks a little bit strange. Is it possible to have a variation of this without the grass?
Sorry for asking so much!
This is the sand to grass tileset but with the grass removed(transparency), as you can see the grass shapes. So this tileset you're using is not meant to be used for this, there are other tilesets with transparency that transition to dirt, sand... In this last update I added neutral grass to transparency tileset so you can use it to make transitions to any dirt or sand. Did you see it there? If you are tying to find tileset that transition from sand to any tile then you can't because there isn't XD. The sand in this asset was meant to be used beneath the grass and not go further from the beach(possibly meeting dirt or any other terrain variation). However, I can add this tileset in the next update.
The neutral glass to transparency will help my project a lot in the future when I get up to that bit, so thank you very much for that!
No stress if it's too much work mate! I was trying to do sand to dirt, and then do dirt to grass to have a more gradual transition to the forest.
Thanks for your replies :) I appreciate it
你好! 我购买了Bundle1,发现缺少hole相关的图片,这些图片的缺失是bug吗?
Hello! I will try to communicate with you using the translator. Is the hole you're referring to the tileset found in the Cemetery asset pack?
I'm not doing commissions, I'm sorry mate!
Thank you for the compliment ^^ and sorry for the late response
Does this new pack include content from the Legacy version such as the blacksmith and forge?
Hello! Most things are included but blacksmith and forge are not. They will be done in the village pack.
It's a great asset.
Thank you! ^^
Hypeeeee Excellent work Rafael!!
Thank you very much Jason ^^
This, as always, is looking great!
Thank you very much Raven XD
Are these asset packs set up to work with RPGmaker?
They're not. Sorry mate.
If you are taking requests, a post apocalyptic set and a scifi set would be great!
Right now I have too much stuff on my list but I'll try my best to cover it in the future ^^