Wall and Dash mechanics redone

Hello, guys.

This version has lots of improvements, bug fixes and keyboard support implementation.

The old mechanic.

The wall mechanics was reformulated. The climb mechanic before was a series of shorter but higher jumps. In this old way, the player must press right (if the wall were to your right) and jump over and over to climb. The wall jump was also counter intuitive. You basically only needed to turn to the apposite direction(in this exemple, to your left) of the wall in order to perform a wall jump. To Grab the wall you just needed to move towards the wall in order to grab it. As you can see, the movement mechanics related to the wall wasn't good, It was messy and you often would perform some unintended movements.

The new mechanic.

The new mechanic is shorter and simpler to explain and play. Once next to the wall, press the Grab button to grab the wall, hold it to stay still, move the analog stick up to climb up or release the Grab button to slide down. The wall jump works like you would jump from the ground.

Now you can hold to the wall, climb, slide and perform wall jump much more easily.

The Dash also have changed. 

Now you can Dash to all 8 directions. And the improvements are related to corners interactions while Dashing. Without this extra work, you would face problems like hitting the tip of a corner that wouldn't look right to stop you or even hitting nothing (visually). To fix that, if within a certain threshold position, the character will correct its trajectory and keep its momentum. Also, if you hit a wall your sideways movement will stop right away and the vertical momentum will be reduced. If you hit a ceiling, the same happens but the axes are reversed, the vertical movement stops, keeping sideways momentum but reduced.

Also, a small addition but very important is the 'coyote jump' which allows player to jump even after briefly leaving the ground. This and the rest of the movement mechanics was inspired by the awesome game, Celeste.

Thanks for the reading and leave a comment if you like. Worth mention that all feedbacks are valuable.

See you around at my twitter @RafaRPM_ or here in the comments.

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