New Giant Boss

Hello everyone!

I'm finally releasing the boss for this pack. It's a giant boss with several pieces that must be animated in the game engine, in Godot you would use the nodes Skeleton2D and AnimationPlayer if I'm not mistaken. 

Boss parts

  • Hand (covering 4 positions for different attacks)
  • Arm pieces (with a broken version and a slightly recolor variation too)
  • Head (has 3 variations and the third being the more damaged version)
  • Jaw (2 versions: damaged and no damage)
  • Ribs (5 ribs)
  • Sternum
  • Eyes

I also did a small addition to the portal. There's a spawning animation now.

I'll now work on Unity and publish this asset there and then start to work on The Village pack!

As always, thank you very much for your support and I'll see you in the next pack  ❤️


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I always bothered you, but you made me more than I wanted.


No worries mate. I'm glad you're still around! I hope your project is going well